Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 9 response

I know we will talk about this more tomorrow in discussion, but I wanted to quick comment on the readings for this week in relation to the paper that will be due soon. I just found it very interesting with the way they tell you to read a image or picture. Before reading these few articles, I could look at a picture and try to describe what the author was trying to convey, but I never looked at the great detail. The article tells you look at the lighting, the focus, the use of angles, and many more things. I would have never done that to be honest. I think it will help me when having to thoroughly depict an image for the paper. There will be many things that I will have to look at in order to really see what the author is trying to show us. Like the article said, images are like complex texts which have to be looked at in great detail. I also found the articles about Native American photographs interesting in the sense that the photographers didn't seem to want to capture the "real" Native American. They used a lot of props to photograph Native Americans how they wanted to. Dixon seems to go through a lot of trouble to manipulate the images as he sees fit. The clothes, the props used, the background are all manipulated by Dixon.

Overall, I think the paper should be interesting, especially for me. It seems like a lot more work than I originally thought, as far as really being able to depict the picture in its entirety. 

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