Thursday, March 26, 2009

Montgomery Bus Boycott

I thought this weeks readings were very interesting. One of the reasons I took this class was to get more in depth with the Civil Rights movement, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I think that they are important history and we can never learn enough about them. I was very interested in Jo Ann Gibson Robinson's specific memoir of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Many of us have learned about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Buss Boycott, but many of us (including myself) did not know about the event leading up to the boycotts. It took a lot of work and a lot of leadership to establish this massive boycott. Many people do not know about the WPC and the influence that the group had in helping with the boycotts. Also, many people, such as Claudette, were arrested well before Rosa Parks sparked the boycott. I also found it interesting that these groups had to have a great amount of patience. They wanted to wait for exactly right right time to boycott the busses. There were many instances where people wanted to go forward with the boycott, yet they remained patient. The discrimination that was put forth to African American men, women, and children was incredible. They endured a lot of pain waiting for this enormous boycott.


  1. I agree completely, I thought the patience of these groups were remarkable. Gaining rights is a long tedious process and if I were in that situation I would get impatient. What would heighten this anticipation would have been the amount of arrest policemen were making before the boycotts.

  2. I think the point about all the people behind the scenes is a very important one. Not always do we hear about the organizers, the directors, and the financial backers of movements like this. Rosa Parks is an admirable woman, but Claudette, Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, and others are no less admirable. Knowing that there were so many people behind the scenes in the organization of this boycott just show its importance.

  3. I agree with you. I did not realise that so much work went behind the Montgomery Bus Boycotts. I really respect the WPC's contribution to the fight for civil rights. It had to be hard for their organization to gain support because of their race and sex. It just shows the heart and dedication that these women had to their cause.
