Monday, March 2, 2009

Andy n Amos Reflection

The cartoon characters, Amos n Andy, are examples of the many different stereotypes that African-Americans had to endure during the twentieth century. They are depicted as being lazy and unintelligent. After reading more information about the history of the characters they clearly represent many characteristics of the African-American life during this time era. For instance, Andy and Amos were both farm workers in the south, which was very common. They were most likely sharecroppers as we discussed in class. They were part of the “Great Migration” to the north. They settled in the south side Chicago which was known to be predominately populated by African-Americans. The two characters have low-paying jobs which at the time was a result of many whites refusing to offer African-Americans the opportunity to succeed. Many whites believed that African-Americans did not have the capacity to handle certain knowledge. They were portrayed as unintelligent individuals with “empty heads” as the cartoon represented Andy.
The most disturbing element of this cartoon is the targeted audience. The cartoon was intended for white people. It was suppose to be a type of entertainment for them. By stereotyping Andy and Amos white people felt more confident. They believed that even with all the social movements such as the Harlem Renaissance, there would still be no possibility for African-Americans to advance. They were to never be viewed as a threat to the whites. This is the reason that many African-Americans were banned from certain schools. Even any slight offering of any sort of opportunity may ripple white supremacy. The only solution was to continue suppressing the African-American culture in order to ensure white supremacy.
The theme of white supremacy occurs numerously throughout the class. The tactics and motives that white people took in order to ensure that they would always be the most powerful have been seen throughout the centuries. Legislation has been passed such as the Chinese Exclusion Act in order to ensure that white people were still the dominate race. White supremacy was also an element during the Trail of Tears and the formation of reservations. Whites tried to control the Mexican immigrants as well. Amos and Andy are just another example of the methods and ideas of white supremacy. Other races had to be belittled and controlled in order for white people to continue their dominancy.

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