Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3/25 Discussion Questions (Part 2)

Gibson Discussion Questions:
1) What is the Women’s Political Council and why was the group formed? What role did this group play in the Civil Rights movement and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts? What was the significance of their role?
2) What were the events leading up to the Montgomery Bus Boycotts? What were the plans that were supposed to take place on the day of the Boycotts? Were theses carried out as planned? What had the participants of the Boycotts very scared that not everyone would actually participate?
3) What role did Jo Ann Gibson Robinson play in the involvement of the Women’s Political Council in the Montgomery Bus Boycotts? What steps, if any, were taken initially to avoid the conflict? What eventually drove the boycotts to occur?
4) Why are people such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. so much more documented then Jo Ann Gibson Robinson?

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