Monday, March 2, 2009

Andy and Amos reflection

From the title of "rasslin" to the end of the cartoon, there is a significant racial undertone throughout. Clearly, the main purpose of this cartoon was to ridicule and humiliate the African American race. If their methods of speaking and stupidity within the cartoon is examined it is easy to see how this video stereotyped the black population. Additionally, the shapes of the characters were ape-like, especially that of the gym trainer. The bull-neck moose-face character is simply overt, especially when the video shows his head turn into a moose for a moment. Undoubtedly, this was intended for a white audience as blacks at the time (and now) would find this completely offensive. At a time when the color line was being debated after World War I, cartoons like this were influential instruments used in order to spread the culture of racism.

Consequently, it is not difficult to see the effects this video had on the population at the time. If black morale is kept low, then the whites can continue to perpetuate the status quo. It represented the sentiment of the white people in power. Still being dragged down by the memory of the Civil War, these people were not ready for such dramatic changes, it was their mission to maintain a sense of a color barrier. This cartoon was representative of a much larger ideal. In lecture, we talked about the effects of racism on a culture and a developing society. The fact that whites found this entertaining (and some probably didn't even think it was exaggeration) is the epitome of this culture of racism. The cartoon and its message is a great example to use when attempting to sum up the fight over the color barrier at this time in American history.

1 comment:

  1. I fully agree that the main point of this video was just to humiliate and make fun of African Americans. The video portrays African Americans as violent, unintelligent, and ape-like. I also agree that this was definitely intended for white audiences, but even more towards white children.
