Sunday, January 25, 2009

Little Women Reflection Post

I have been thinking about our discussion on Thursday a little, especially about whether or not we would give the book Little Women to our children to read. Little Women is a book that is special to me because as a child my mom gave it to me to read. I loved it so much, I was fascinated by the lifestyle of the 1800s and I wanted to be like all of the girls. At just 9 or 10 years old, the book taught me a lot. I started to appreciate the things that I had in my life (cars, phone, tv, etc) and realize that these luxuries weren't always around. I also gained a sense of how far women had come since those days, as I realized that the girls in the novel didn't get to play softball and do gymnastics and go to movies and hang out with their friends like I did. I just think that this book is such a great thing to give to a young girl. As children, we probably aren't aware of the more dramatic books out there (Gossip Girl, etc) and if something like Little Women is put in our hands first, we are certain to appreciate it. If we are so worried about the things our children are watching on tv/seeing in video games/reading, then I think Little Women is the kind of thing that we need to be giving to our girls. Nothing against Harry Potter and Twilight, I just think adding a few classics to kids' bookshelves wouldn't hurt.


  1. I agree, I see nothing wrong with giving Little women to your children. I also think that it can be a great reminder of the advances that women have made in society. It may also be a conversation starter for younger children so that they can become interested in not only women's history but history in general

  2. I agree, I think it would be great to give my children this book. But I believe I am some what biased, because when I was a child my grandmother made me read it. My mother and I also watched the movie together. I think it would be a great bonding activity for a family especially between a mother and a daughter if the both were to read and discuss the novel.
