Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amos and Andy

This cartoon clearly relates back to the radicalization of African Americans.  The lips on the people in the cartoon are over exaggerated, along with and ape like appearance the fighting trainer gives off.  Also, Amos and Andy are seen as dead beats or guys that are lazy and cannot do much which goes along with the white hierarchy instilled in America.  The cartoon reminded me of two examples that Professor Hass showed in class, one was of a cartoon Jim Crow and the other was the African-American men in Birth of a Nation.  The similarity between all three images proves that the Jim Crow cartoon, Amos and Andy, and Birth of a Nation was developed by white people to instill this ape/moose like sentimentality of African Americans.  It is very clear that Amos and Andy was not intended for African-Americans to see, because it is extremely offensive.  


  1. I completely agree with the blatant racist undertones of this cartoon. The way the characters are drawn, from their extremely overly big lips to the way they act is ridiculous. This cartoon personified the stereotype of African Americans. However, I don't think it wasn't intended for African Americans to see. It was extremely offensive to them, I think it was made in complete disregaurd to their culture.

  2. Just for clarification, I don't agree with the blatant racism...I agree with the fact that there exist blatant racism in the cartoon.
